simFrame 0.5.4 (2021-10-14)
- Fixed DOI's and URL's in documentation.
- Properly registered C++ functions.
- Properly imported all required functions from package 'stats'.
- Bugfix in clusterSetup() involving typo in object name.
- Removed demo()'s.
- Removed links to package 'sampling' from documentation.
- Removed package 'mvtnorm' from examples.
- Removed package vignettes due to the CRAN requirement that packages in
'Suggests' should only be used conditionally in vignettes. Vignettes
can still be found on
simFrame 0.5.3 (2014-03-03)
- Number of worker processes in examples for parallel computing is now
limited to 2.
simFrame 0.5.2 (2014-02-13)
- Bugfix in 'clusterRunSimulation' regarding export of internal object to
worker processes.
- Bugfix in demo for model-based simulation with parallel computing.
simFrame 0.5.1 (2013-12-11)
- Slight optimizations in C++ code to compute inclusion probabilities.
- Modified vignette according to changes in package 'robCompositions'
(function 'invilr' renamed to 'isomLRinv').
- Moved vignettes to 'vignettes' folder.
simFrame 0.5.0 (2012-01-02)
- Using package 'parallel' now for parallel computing instead of 'snow'.
- 'runSimulation' and 'clusterRunSimulation' no longer produce a warning
when simulations are performed separately on different domains.
simFrame 0.4.4 (2011-10-03)
- Rewrote parts of the C++ code.
simFrame 0.4.3 (2011-07-25)
- S4 generic 'getCall' now has '...' argument to be consistent with
R 2.14.0 S3 generic.
- Updated author affiliation.
simFrame 0.4.2 (2011-07-23)
- Midzuno and Tille sampling now give a warning instead of throwing an error
when all inclusion probabilities are outside the interval (eps, 1-eps).
simFrame 0.4.1 (2011-03-21)
- Added column to example data 'eusilcP' that indicates the main income
holder of each household.
simFrame 0.4 (2011-03-17)
- Implemented 'runSimulation' and 'clusterRunSimulation' methods for mixed
simulation designs.
- Added control class "TwoStageControl" and corresponding 'setup' and
'clusterSetup' methods for two-stage sampling.
- Probability weights or inclusion probabilities for unequal probability
sampling can now be supplied by specifying a variable of the population
- Using Rcpp now to incorporate C++ instead of C code.
- Added functions 'brewer', 'midzuno' and 'tille' for Brewer, Midzuno and
Tille sampling, respectively (corresponding to 'UPbrewer', 'UPmidzuno'
and 'UPtille' from package 'sampling', but faster C++ implementation).
simFrame 0.3.7 (2010-11-02)
- Added JSS paper to references in help files and vignettes.
simFrame 0.3.6 (2010-10-19)
- Changes in package vignettes.
simFrame 0.3.5 (2010-10-16)
- Improved code in 'CITATION' file.
- Updated references in package vignettes.
simFrame 0.3.4 (2010-08-22)
- If 'nrep' is not supplied in 'runSimulation' or 'clusterRunSimulation',
the corresponding slot of the resulting "SimResults" objects now contains
a zero-length numeric vector instead of 0.
simFrame 0.3.3 (2010-08-18)
- Changes in help file for package.
simFrame 0.3.2 (2010-08-17)
- Changes in help file for accessor and mutator functions.
simFrame 0.3.1 (2010-08-16)
- Bugfix in 'clusterSetup' solved problem with inclusion probabilities for
group sampling if the data are not sorted according to the groups.
simFrame 0.3 (2010-08-10)
- Control class "NAControl" now allows to specify an auxiliary variable
with probability weights for each target variable.
- To improve computational performance in simulation studies, 'contaminate'
and 'setNA' no longer check if auxiliary variable(s) with probability
weights are numeric and contain only finite positive values ('sample'
still throws an error in these cases).
- Bugfix in 'setup' solved problem with inclusion probabilities for group
sampling if the data are not sorted according to the groups.
- Classes "SampleSetup" and "SimResults" now contain slots for the control
object(s) used. Accordingly, some redundant slots were removed from
class "SampleSetup".
- Added package 'sampling' to 'Suggests' section of 'DESCRIPTION' file,
minimal changes in 'simDensityplot', 'simXyplot' and in help file
'tail-methods' so that 'R CMD check' and 'R CMD INSTALL' no longer
produce warnings or notes.
simFrame 0.2 (2010-06-08)
- Argument 'average' added to plot function 'simXyplot' that specifies
whether the mean or median is used to compute averages.
- Replaced example data, which is now called 'eusilcP' and has household
income components.
- Added accessor and mutator functions 'getFoo' and 'setFoo' for slots
(here "foo" stands for the name of the slot). If no method 'setFoo' is
available, this means that the slot is not supposed to be changed by the
- Renamed slots "group" to "grouping" and "method" to "fun" (where
available) since functions named 'getGroup', 'getMethod' and 'setMethod'
already exist and cannot be used for accessor and mutator functions,
- Renamed function 'getProb' to 'inclusionProb' to allow accessor method
for slot "prob".
- Removed class "SimResult" to avoid confusion.
- Added 'show' methods and improved existing ones.
- Added 'summary', 'head' and 'tail' methods.
- Restructured help.
- Added demos for design-based simulation, model-based simulation and
parallel computing.
- Classes "SampleControl" and "SampleSetup" now contain a slot that
indicates whether groups are collected after sampling individuals or
sampled directly.
- Class "SampleSetup" now contains a slot that stores the seed of the
random number generator before and after setting up the samples.
- Made various improvements for plot functions if simulation results with
multiple contamination levels or missing value rates are supplied.
- Included package vignettes.
simFrame 0.1.2 (2009-12-01)
- Class "NAControl" now contains a slot that specifies whether missing
values should also be inserted into contaminated observations.
- Added 'aggregate' method for objects of class "SimResults".
- In function 'contaminate', the column ".contaminated" is always appended,
even if 'epsilon' is 0 or 'x' does not have any rows.
simFrame 0.1.1 (2009-09-03)
- Argument 'select' added to plot functions for specifying columns to be
- Row names of example data 'eusilc' are now sorted from 1 to the number of
- Fixed cross-references in some help files.