cvTools 0.3.3 (2024-03-13)
- Added functionality for cross-validation with grouped observations.
- Bugfix in print() method for class "cvFolds": no longer produces warning.
- Removed some examples to cut down example check times. The respective
full examples from the previous versions are available in folder
/inst/doc/examples-full as R scripts.
cvTools 0.3.2 (2012-05-14)
- Bugfix in cvTool(): matrix of estimated prediction errors is now returned
correctly for more than one replication (this bug was introduced in the
bugfix for one replication from version 0.3.1).
- Added tests for cvTool(), cvFit() and cvTuning() using package 'testthat'.
cvTools 0.3.1 (2012-05-11)
- Bugfix in cvTool(): matrix of estimated prediction errors is now returned
correctly for one replication.
- Bugfix in cvTuning(): "function" method now correctly stores matched call.
cvTools 0.3.0 (2012-03-05)
- Changed some argument and component names regarding standard errors.
cvTools 0.2.0 (2012-02-13)
- New generic function repCV() for (repeated) K-fold cross-validation. The
example functions cvLm(), cvLmrob() and cvLts() are now aliases for the
respective methods.
- Bugfix in cvFit(): default names are retained if cvTool() returns a
1x1 matrix.
- Bugfix in plot.cvSelect(): default handling of argument 'method' no
longer throws error in case of only one replication.
- Added functionality to incorporate standard errors.
- cvSelect() and cvTuning() now allow to specify criterion for selecting
the best model via the argument 'selectBest'.
- New xyplot() and dotplot() methods for class "cv".
cvTools 0.1.1 (2011-12-07)
- Added different types of obtaining CV folds.